

Professor Chuanju XU

Department of Computational Mathematics
of Mathematical Sciences
Xiamen University

More detailed CV

My research interests:

Numerical partial differential equations, Spectral element methods, Computational fluid dynamics, Abnormal diffusion modelling and computing

Member of the editorial boards:

- Mathematica Numerica Sinica (in Chinese, 2022 --- present)

- Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2019 --- present)

- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2017 --- present)

- AIMS Mathematics (2016 --- present)

- Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications (in Chinese, 2014 --- 2020)

- Journal of Mathematical Study (2014 --- present)

- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (2013 --- present)

- East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics (2011 --- present)

- Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (2007 --- 2016)

- Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. (2005 --- present)

Supervision of PhD students

  • 15 graduated
  • 6 under supervision
  • My recreational activities: playing badmindon and volleyball, watching movies, mountaineering

    业余爱好:羽毛球,排球,电影,登山 Some photos here.


    1989-1993: 巴黎居里大学(第六大)数学博士

    1988-1989: 巴黎南大学(第十一大)数学硕士

    1987-1988: 上海外国语学院法语培训

    1986-1987: 厦门大学数学系研究生

    1982-1986: 厦门大学数学系本科


    Ph.D., Numerical Analysis, Universite de Paris-VI, Paris, France, 1993

    Master, Numerical Analysis, Universite de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 1989

    B.S., Mathematics, Xiamen University, Fujian, China, 1986


    2016.07-09: 法国波尔多大学
    2015.10: 法国普瓦蒂大学
    2015.07,09: 法国波尔多大学
    2014.12: 法国波尔多大学
    2006.06-10: 法国波尔多第一大学
    2005.07-11: 法国波尔多第一大学
    2004.12: 新加坡国立大学
    2004.03-05: 香港浸会大学
    2003.02-03: 法国尼斯大学
    2001.11: 法国尼斯大学
    2001.05: 法国尼斯大学
    2000.05: 法国尼斯大学
    1999.06: 丹麦理工大学
    1998-1999: 法国尼斯大学
    1993-: 厦门大学

    Professional Appointments:

    2016.07-09: Universite de Bordeaux, France
    2015.10: Universite de Poitiers, France
    2015.07,09: Universite de Bordeaux, France
    2014.12: Universite de Bordeaux, France
    2006.06-10: Universite de Bordeaux-I, France
    2005.07-11: Universite de Bordeaux-I, France
    2004.12: NUS, Singapore
    2004.03-05: Hong Kong Baptist University
    2003.02-03: Universite de Nice, France
    2001.11: Universite de Nice, France
    2001.05: Universite de Nice, France
    2000.05: Universite de Nice, France
    1999.06: DTU, Denmark
    1998-1999: Universite de Nice, France
    1993-: Xiamen University, China