Visualization of Spectral Element Simulation


1. Using IBM Open Visualization Data Explorer (OpenDX)

OpenDX is an application and development software package for visualizing data, especially 3D data from simulations or acquired from observations. It uses a Graphical User Interface based on X windows and Motif.

  >> CLICK HERE TO A more detailed description of OpenDX

       In the spectral element simulation, the data is well structured element by element, hence OpenDX is suitable to visualizing the spectral Element simulation of fluids problems. The following is an example:

  [   ]data.tar.gz    >> DOWNLOAD the simulation data

  [   ]SEM_dx.tar.gz    >> DOWNLOAD the OpenDX application


Visualization results on the 3D wake simulation behind the cylinder:

Isosurfaces of the horizontal velocity


Isosurfaces of the pressure


2. Using a free Visualization software

  [   ]JML16.tar.gz    >> CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD the open software

  [   ]JML16.tgz    >> or CLICK HERE

  [   ]vkarman.dat.gz    >> DOWNLOAD a simulation data

  [   ]README    >> how to use this program


Visualization results on the 2D wake simulation behind the cylinder:


