Numerical images:


1. 3D Flow past the cylinder at Reynolds number Re=1000



(-3.6,12) x (-3.6,3.6) x (0,4), with the cylinder axis located at x=0, y=0.

Non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions: Orlanski's type

[Acta mechanica sinica, 2000,32(1), p1-10]


Method: SVV Stabilization SEM [J. Comput. Phys., 2004, 196(2), p680-704]

using Legendre Spectral Element in (x,y) plan, and Fourier spectral method in z direction


Resolution: 310 element number, N_x=N_y=7, N_z=60.

SVV parameters: M_x=M_y=N_x-5, M_z=N_z/3.


Animation of the streamwise composent of the vorticity

2. 3D Flow past the cylinder at Reynolds number Re=3900


Configuration: Same as for Re=1000


Method: SVV Stabilization SEM [J. Comput. Phys., 2004, 196(2), p680-704]

using Legendre Spectral Element in (x,y) plan, and Fourier spectral method in z direction


Resolution: 310 element number, N_x=N_y=9, N_z=60.

SVV parameters: M_x=M_y=N_x-5, M_z=N_z/3.


Animation of the streamwise composent of the vorticity for Re=3900